Pink Link

Online Breast Cancer Support

Sunday, January 24, 2010

DC Round 3

Many of you know for the past two years I have been going to Washington DC to help with peer review of breast cancer grant proposals for the Department of Defense.  I just got back from my third time there.  It is always an overwhelming and intense process but it is also so rewarding and inspiring.  As usual I met many wonderful survivors, even one that I knew previously on line... Vicki from had just sent me an email a few weeks ago saying I had been one of the winners of their New Years Resolution contest and my goodies would be mailed soon.  Next thing I knew she and I were in the same room together in DC to review proposals!  We recognized each other's names during the introductions and laughed about what a small world it was and if she had known I was going to be there she would have just brought my prizes with her.  We had breakfast together on the last day and began what I am sure willl be a long and wonderful friendship and a partnership to battle breast cancer.  I encourage you to check out pink link and all its wonderful resources.

Additionally one of the wonderful survivors that was on the same review panel as me has a great website call  At this site survivors post stories about how they have thrived in life after breast cancer.  Hayley compared it to a "Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul" kind of site.  Hayley has certainly made the most of life after her cancer and again I look forward to our new friendship and working together.  Check out her site too!

All these women are so amazing but I want to leave you with the story of the lady I went to the airport with.  She was a survivor of over 5 years and had done her first DC panel last summer.  In November she was told the cancer was back and went into fight mode.  Now just weeks after completing chemo and radiation she is back in DC again for another panel.  She is amazing and again I feel blessed to be able to spend some time with her (even if it was waiting in line to check bags and waiting in line for security etc.)  Apparently there was a reason the lines were so long and slow that Friday - so that she and I could chat and gain strength from each other!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Split personality

Lately I have been pulled in many directions and I have been feeling like I am seen differently depending on the situation.  I have been nominated for the Idaho Business Review's Women of the Year which makes me feel so honored.  But then people comment that it couldn't be based on my main job that I do because no one would nominate me for just that.  Ouch...I have never done what I do for the rewards.  I work, volunteer etc because I love to help people.

Another is the fact that I am not a person who focuses on needing the best of things.  If I am healthy and my kids and spouse are healthy that is all that matters.  I don't need a fancy house, car, furniture etc.  But lately with the declining economy I am feeling like "white trash".  I know in my heart that it is unfair for me to judge myself this way.  I know my life it this way because I work hard to help others and not to necessarily earn money.  I have friends who are stressing about keeping cabins, and RVs, and $400,000 houses.  I don't have any of those things and I worry about paying my medical bills, having enough money for gas and food.  So some days I don't feel worthy of my friends who have money to go out to lunch etc.  It is hard on the ego.

Friday, January 1, 2010


2009 ended pretty stressful so I am looking forward to 2010 and the holidays being over.  I still have lots on my plate and I am putting out fires all over but my overall health is good and that is most important!  I am planning to simplify my life over the next few months.  Time to purge!!!  Items we don't use, feelings I have allowed to fester, things I have had on the backburner or just ignored all together.  I have many goals for this new year and one is to keep things from overwhelming me. 

Happy New Year everyone!!!