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Online Breast Cancer Support

Monday, January 26, 2009

Boston Marathon and Young Survival Coalition

My cousin, Robert Hancock, is running in the Boston Marathon this spring. As part of his run, he is also raising money for the Young Survival Coalition (YSC). This organization has been a wonderful resource for me during my treatment. I have met some wonderful women on the message boards and even been blessed to meet some in person. We have supported each other and provided all kinds of information about the cancer journey and finding a new normal. Please consider donating a few dollars toward the cause.

The Young Survival Coalition is the only international, non-profit organization dedicated to the concerns and issues unique to young women and breast cancer. Through action, advocacy and awareness, the YSC seeks to educate the medical, research, breast cancer and legislative communities about breast cancer in young women and to persuade them to address the disease in women under 40. The YSC also serves as a point of contact for young women living with breast cancer. Founded in 1998 by three young women with breast cancer, the YSC community today consists of more than 11,000 constituents, including more than 5,000 survivors, an interdisciplinary Medical Advisory Board and eight affiliates who bring the mission of the YSC to their local communities.

YSC Core Purpose & Mission
To increase the quality and quantity of life for all young women affected by breast cancer by being the foremost influencer on issues relating to young women affected by breast cancer worldwide.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I am now officially a Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist! I passed the test with a 93%! I am now listed on the national database for this elite group of personal trainers. I am so tickled! Now to get to the big test out of the way to get my national certification as a personal trainer. Time to get to cramming for the exam!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am tough

My parents got me a personalized license plate for Christmas. It finally arrived today.

What do you think? :-) I love it! Thanks Mom and Dad!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I be "bugging"

I got a Body Bugg for Christmas. You may have seen these on Biggest Loser. If you don't know what that is, it is a device you wear on your arm that monitors the calories you burn and how many steps you take. Then you download it to your computer and log your daily food. It helps you make sure you are burning more than you are consuming.

I try to download mine when I get home from work but before dinner. This helps me decide how much protein etc I need to make sure I have before the end of the day and also if I need to jump on the treadmill to burn more calories before the end of the day. It is a great gadget!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

YMCA's LiveSTRONG program

Today was my first official day as an instructor for the YMCA's LiveSTRONG class. It was so great! The first day is basically orientation - paperwork, introductions, discussion about what to expect over the next several weeks etc. It is a small group but what spunk these folks have. I can tell that I am going to learn as much from these folks as they are going to learn from us. Some are currently in treatment and others are months to years out. All of them have different personal goals to achieve over the next 12 weeks and we will help them reach those goals. Next week we will start on assessing their baseline tests and start cardio work.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lab work and doc appt

This morning I had quarterly blood work and exam at the cancer center. Doc says everything looks great! WOO HOO! Now I go in every 4 months instead of every 3. Next time I will have chest x-ray since mammograms are useless for me now.

Then I had to go the dentist for tooth pain. I have a cracked tooth and have to be evaluated tomorrow for a root canal. Bummer but I would rather have bad news from the dentist then my oncologist! Teeth I can fix and replace!

Tomorrow is my first official work day at the YMCA so I will blog about that tomorrow night.

2009 is so busy but great so far!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Holidays are over

And now it is back to reality. No longer can we put things off and ignore issues etc so we can still in the holiday spirit. The reality of the state of our economy and other stressors can no longer be ignored. Lay-offs are growing, child abuse is increasing, the need for assistance is huge, people are stressed and depressed.

Many people have been 'bummed' about going back to work after taking the holidays off. I am happy to have a job to go to. Some people are upset about not being able to eat out as much etc. I am happy to still be able to pay for groceries and pay the mortgage so we can have a hot meal at home. I am I stressed? - heck ya! But I have decided it is a lot like driving in the snow to work this morning. As long as I stayed focused and aware I will make it there safely. I can't worry about the others speeding past me (other than to make sure they don't take me down with them.) And like the snow, the blizzard of economic problems will eventually melt. We just don't know if it will be by spring or if we are in an ice age...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Garden Aglow

We finally made it out for our annual family outing to the Idaho Botanical Gardens lights aglow. We had most of the standard group with us - my parents, my sister and her four entertaining kids, my Geoffrey and Trinity, and myself. I can remember going out there a few years ago and I was so tired from chemo that it wore me out to walk around. But I stayed really warm that year because I was wearing a long, blonde wig.

The kids always remember ringing the bell, running around the labyrinth and, of course, hot chocolate and cookies. This year the bell didn't have a rope to pull and the labyrinth was roped off so the kids couldn't run around it.

Here are some photos (they are pretty small - I will work on making them bigger.)

Geoffrey, Me, and Trinity

Papa and Naynay (Dad and Mom)

Jill and Crew - Claire, Hawkings, Scotlyn and Mostyn

G's new girlfriend - Sacajawea

The Wild Grandkids!

Happy New Year!!!

Today is the day that most people decide to make changes in their lives. Start fresh etc. We could do this any day of the year but this is the most common. What are your hopes, dreams, and resolutions for 2009? I have many but I don't expect them all to stick and some are going to take awhile to achieve but I will get there. And you will to. Life is not a dress rehearsal so get out there and make the stage your own.