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Online Breast Cancer Support

Sunday, March 30, 2008

In Memory

This past week or so our Young Survivor group has lost two wonderful women.

Cathy who was 36 (my age) and Jessica who was 29!!!

Both leave behind strong, supportive spouses and Cathy leaves behind a 3 year old little boy.

My heart breaks for these families. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


What a difference a year makes

March 30, 2007 last day of toxic chemo

March 30, 2008 more hair, less fat, more "sparkle" and reconstruction almost complete.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Blood tests

Today I had blood tests to make sure the cancer hadn't come back. I am supposed to have this done every 3 months and some how we got appointments pushed out too far and I was over four months since my last test. I was getting nervous because I have been so tired. I want to blame being tired on the working out and the time change etc but in the back of my mind I kept remembering how tired I was right before they found the cancer. So I begged for a blood test even though my doc appt is still a few weeks away. The oncologist herself called me this afternoon (which scared the you know what out of me to have her call instead of the nurse). Everything looks great! Whew! I would have renewed energy if I weren't so tired from spin class this morning.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring is here!

Of course it is still chilly here but the rain is certainly a sign of spring. I have been able to walk outside a bit more. I am still at the gym whenever I can get there. On the nights I can't then I workout on my treadmill at home or with a video.

I am planning our own Easter dinner this year which is great because then I can make only healthy options and not feel guilty about enjoying my holiday meal.

I am a few weeks away from getting my first blood check done but I am trying to do it sooner. I have been so tired and having the paper in hand that says it isn't due to cancer would be great!

Good luck to all who are in the Gold's Gym Online Challenge! I lost 11.5 pounds in two months. Not great but I can't complain since I had a surgery right in the middle of it all!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Reality Check

I was thinking tonight while sweating on the elliptical that I haven't been getting up early to work out like I did during the challenge last year. Things are different now. Last summer I didn't have to worry about getting kids up, fed and dressed for school. Last summer I didn't really have any hair to take the time to style. Last summer it was light out at 6:00 in the morning. Now in order to get in 30 minutes of cardio before getting ready for work I would have to get up no later than 5:15. I am soooo not a morning person so this has been very difficult for me. Especially during the winter when it is cold and dark. I enjoy working out at night anyway. It is a good way to release the stress of the day.

Also the reality of being the mom has come back to slap me in the face during the challenge. It is difficult to get in workouts at night when you have scout meetings, soccer games, school programs, doc appointments etc. Then comes the money part. I have one child who just got braces and also broke his leg the week before that. I just paid to have the dog "snipped" and "chipped". Gas and food are becoming more expensive every week. And of course there are my own medical bills. This makes it difficult for me to justify paying for training sessions and supplements etc. I always allow myself a gym membership but everything else I want for me - time and money - will go to my family first when needed. At least it is starting to warm up and this will allow me to workout outside with my family - bike rides, swimming, even yardwork.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thought for the day

I was attending and speaking at a women's conference yesterday and the coordinator had a wonderful quote.

What I do today must be important, because I am paying a day of my life for it. What I accomplish must be worthwhile, because that price is high.

As a cancer survivor I know this well, live each day to the fullest and give thanks for it every day. Get up off the couch and make the most of your day.