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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Cough! Hack!

Well I am very slowly getting better. I am still coughing a lot but it seems to be loosening up and I am not coughing as much at night. As for my skin graft that is a slow process too. It is starting to heal but taking it's time. I am still nervous about it but the doc is still confident that it will be just fine. The left side is doing great so it is nice to see what it should look like. The docs hope by Monday that the right side will be healed up enough to not have to cover it with strong antibotic creams and just be able to use over the counter cream like I am already doing on the better side.

I have little to no energy. Just walking up one flight of stairs causes me to be out of breath and coughing. Surgery zaps enough of your energy without having to have a virus on top of it. I have to lecture a few days next week so I am trying to take it easy over the weekend. I don't want to go into coughing fits all day while trying to teach!!!

Most of the rest of my household now has the virus too. My poor boys had to cough their way through their finals this week. Can't miss those. One of them was even getting sick in the restroom between tests. Poor guys! But they still rocked their tests so that is good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on your boys doing such a great job on their finals, especially while feeling so horrid! Glad to hear things are at least headed the right direction for you, healing-wise, too!!! Have a nice, quiet recovery weekend! :-)